Unity PiXYZ Studio - Add-On ESD 02

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  • Take advantage of 3D data

    Pixyz Studio enables CAD experts, engineering departments, interactive 3D developers, 3D artists, architecture firms, agencies, and manufacturing, communication and marketing departments to unlock the full potential of their 3D and CAD data.

  • Pixyz Studio workflow

    1. Import native CAD files within Pixyz Studio

    2. Assemble large CAD files at scale

    3. Tessellate CAD models and turn them into light 3D meshes

    4. Interactively prepare 3D meshes with an intuitive interface

    5. Optimize 3D models using a powerful set of algorithms

    6. Export optimized tessellated models to staging tools

    7. Save original and optimized 3D models to the native Pixyz format

    8. Repeat data preparation tasks with Python scripts and plugins


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