Makeblock Codey Rocky-9 Languages

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Manufacturer ID -P1030069

Makeblock is a private Chinese technology company headquartered in Shenzhen, China, that develops Arduino-based hardware, robotics hardware, and Scratch-based software, for the purpose of providing educational tools for learning. This includes programming, engineering, and mathematics through the use of robotics.

Codey Rocky combines hardware and software, allowing children to learn about programming while they play and create. Through the use of mBlock software, children map every move made by the robot, by assembling a series of building blocks, allowing them to understand each command intuitively. Children can turn their block-based program into Python code. In conjunction with Codey Rocky, mBlock software allows children to get to grips with artificial intelligence (AI), including image and voice recognition, as well as deep learning. Codey Rocky comes with learning materials, examples and tutorials to support children in their learning every step of the way.

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